Faculty of Management studies in Eduniversal Best Masters Ranking 2017

Faculty of Management programmes continue to take a leading positions in the new Eduniversal Best Masters Ranking, evaluating graduate and MBA studies.


 Eduniversal Best Masters Ranking is an assessment of the best graduate and MBA programs from all over the world. They are divided into thematic and regional groups, organized by Eduniversal – a French rating agency specializing in higher education. The main criteria are: the prestige of the programme, salary level during first employment after graduation and students satisfaction feedback.


  • Major ‘Finance, Accounting and Insurance’ (‘Finanse, Rachunkowość i Ubezpieczenia’) –  2nd  place in Poland, 2nd in Eastern Europe within ‘Accounting and Auditing’ category
  • Major ‘International Business Program' – 1st  place in Poland, 3rd  in Eastern Europe within ‘International Management’ category
  • Major ‘Global MBA’ conducted jointly with our partner universities from China, USA and Germany  -1st  place in Poland, 2nd in Eastern Europe within ‘General Management’ category
  • Major ‘Environmental Management’ (‘Zarzadzanie  środowiskiem’), conducted with University of Warsaw Faculties: Chemistry and Biology -1st  place in Poland, 47 th in global ranking within  'Sustainable Development and Environmental Management' category
  • Minor on graduate management studies ‘Marketing’- 1st  place in Poland, 1 st  in Eastern Europe within ‘Marketing’ category
  • Minor on graduate management studies ‘E-Business’ (‘E-biznes’) – 2nd   place in Poland, 25th in global ranking within ‘E-Business’ category
  • Minor on graduate management studies ‘Human Resource Management’ (‘Rozwój potencjału społecznego’) - 1st place in Polsce,  2nd  in Eastern Europe within  ‘Human Resources Management’ category
  • Minor on graduate management studies ‘Business Consulting’ (‘Doradztwo organizacyjne’) – 1st place in Poland, 7th  in global ranking within 'Business Intelligence, Knowledge and Security Management' category
  • Excecutive MBA - emba@UW – 1st place in Poland, 2nd  in Eastern Europe within ‘Executive MBA & MBA part time’ category
  • ,International MBA Programme' at Centre for Management Training- 1st place in Poland, 1st  in Eastern Europe within ‘MBA full time’ category


More information about ranking is available on the website: Eduniversal Best Masters Ranking 2017.

Graduation Ceremony

Dear Students,

We would like to invite you to the graduation ceremony. Event will take place on July 7, 2017 at 11 am, in the Faculty of Management sports hall.

Students wishing to participate in the ceremony should make a request earlier.

International Conference “Polish - Brazilian Experiences in Economy and Management: Recent Trends”

On 23rd of the May took place the International Conference “Polish - Brazilian Experiences in Economy and Management: Recent Trends”.

Sustainable Development SD Polish Roadshow #3

In connection with the  European Week for Sustainable Development (ESDW), we invite to a conference SD Polish Roadshow #3, which will be held May 30 at the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw.

Recruitment for GlobalMBA Program

We are pleased to announce that recruitment for upcoming edition of the GlobalMBA study program has been just officially open.

Invitation to the lecture with Citibank expert (27.04.2017)

We kindly invite to a special lecture taking place April 27th at 09.30 - 11.00  - room 207A Faculty of Management with our guest speaker Tomasz Flanek, PhD – Director of custody operations from Citi Service Centre Poland – who will be talking on current challenges and potential of the industry, along with career opportunities that a multinational organization like Citibank can offer.

International Conference on Communication, Management and Information Technology

The Faculty of Management have a great pleasure to invite you to participate in the International Conference on Communication, Management and Information Technology.

International Conference „Management as a Symphonic (Hi)story” [21.03.2017]

The Department of Organizational Sociology and Business History in cooperation with the Institute of the Americas and Europe and with partnership of Kordian Tarasiewicz Foundation for History and Support of Business have a great pleasure to invite you to participate in the International Conference „Management as a Symphonic (Hi)story”.

International Conference Polish – Brazilian Experiences in Economy and Management: Recent Trends

The Faculty of Management and the Centre for Latin American Studies of the Institute of the Americas and Europe, University of Warsaw have a pleasure to invite you to participate in the International Conference Polish – Brazilian Experiences in Economy and Management: Recent Trends.

Guest lecture: New Structural Economics and Industrial Policy for Catching Up Country

On January 30, 2017 we hosted at our Faculty Professor Justin Yifu Lin. Who, on the invitation of the Dean of the Faculty of Management, gave a lecture: New Structural Economics and Industrial Policy for Catching Up Country.

The Baltic Sea Region University Network Steering Committee meeting at Faculty of Management

Last Thursday, January 12th at the Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw was held The Baltic Sea Region University Network (BSRUN) Steering Committee meeting.

Survey for international students

We kindly ask all international students from Faculty of Management to complete the survey prepared by Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

Guest lecture - invitation (14.12.2016)

We have a pleasure to invite you to a lecture "The Economic Development of Brazil and Polish-Brazilian Relations", that will be delivered by H.E. Mr Alfredo Leoni, the Ambassador of Brazil.

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Uniwersytet Warszawski
HR Excellence in Research
Eduniversal ranking
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