Information about coronavirus-related matters and restrictions at the Faculty of Management

In connection with the Order of the Rector of the University of Warsaw on prevention of the spread of COVID-19 virus among the community of the University of Warsaw the following procedures have been implemented at the Faculty of Management.


  • COVID-19 update for March 19, 2020
    In the event of a campus closure, classes at the Faculty of Management will be delivered remotely through, among others,  ZOOM platform. The need for substantive and technical preparation of classes implemented using this platform may cause some delay in using the ZOOM platform. In such case there is a possibility to use other on-line communication methods.  All ways to communicate online will be successively improved. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
    All remarks and comments on the mode of conducting classes, should be sent to:
    prof. dr hab. Grzegorz Karasiewicz
    Vice-Dean for Student Affairs and Quality of Teaching
  • COVID-19 update for March 18, 2020
    For the period until 14 April 2020, faculty will not hold in-person office hours on campus. Consultations with students will be taking place over the phone, online or via Skype. In case of consultations over the phone the students will be informed about the phone number, the date and time of such consultations via e-mail.
  • Examinations and assignments dates which were set until 14 April 2020, will be shifted to a later date.
  • Students academic progress  will be  reviewed at the end of the academic year (not at the end of the winter semester).
  • Students’ applications are accepted only electronically via the USOS platform. Applications will be processed during a normal time and decisions will be placed in USOS.
  • COVID-19 update for March 16, 2020
    For the period from 17 March 2020 to 14 April 2020, all Faculty of Management administrative officers work remotely. All matters, including urgent and time-sensitive ones, are handled on-line.
  • COVID-19 update for March 12, 2020
    Information for students on taking classes on-line

    The list of classes conducted on-line will be published as soon as possible. Information for students regarding remote classes will be sent via the USOS platform to e-mail address in the domain of the Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw.
  • Information for faculty on teaching classes on-line
    All faculty members who wish to teach online courses need to fill out the class declaration form and send it to:
  • Faculty of Management library will be closed until April 14. The deadline for returning books is set for April 18. Library penalties and fees for delay in return of books won't be charged until April 17.
  • Online library resources. Students, PhD students and Employees of the University of Warsaw have access to e-books and e-magazines that are subscribed to the University of Warsaw. The access is available under the following link
  • Student ID cards: In accordance with Decision of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education Student ID cards will be valid until 31st May.
  • Social scholarships: applications for social scholarships along with a set of required documents should be submitted / delivered by March 20, 2020. Applications can be sent by post, courier service or put in the application box, which is located near the entrance C. Please write "Wniosek o stypendium - Scholarship Application" on the envelope.
  • Student internship applications can be submitted by the end of the academic year. Applications can be sent by post, courier service or put in the application box, which is located near the entrance C. Please write "Praktyki studenckie - Student internship" on the envelope.

For the University of Warsaw COVID-19 updates and information, please visit the



EU Horizon’s funding for the University of Warsaw InterHEI

Under the EIT HEI initiative, as a key objective of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), the “InterHEI” project coordinated by the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw (holder of three prestigious accreditations: EQUIS, AACSB, and AMBA – “Triple Crown”), lead by Mansour Esmaeil Zaei (project manager: Piotr Nawrocki), has been granted funding of 1.2 million euros to increase innovation and entrepreneurial capacity in higher education by building capacity across higher education institutions (HEIs) and young businesses in the area of food and health. 

Contest of best bachelor and master thesis. There's an award to win

We invite you to contest of best bachelor and master thesis on the theme of leadership and governance in the V4 countries Comparing Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Alternative Leadership Styles in the V4. There's a predicted award for winners - 500 EUR.

3rd International Scientific Conference Interdisciplinarity of Health and Healthcare

We have the pleasure to invite you to the 3rd International Scientific Conference Interdisciplinarity of Health and Healthcare, which will take place on 15th-16th September 2022 in Clinical and Didactic Center of the Medical University of Lodz and it will have a hybrid form (onsite/online). The Faculty of Management at UW is a co-organizer of the conference.

Open lecture about Venture Capital Relations

We invite you to an open lecture by prof. A. Tatarynowicz from Singapore Management University (SMU) entitled “Research at the Intersection of Venture Capital Relations and Interorganizational Networks”  on June 29 from 11.30 am - 13.00 am in room A 207.

Dr Laura Zoboli - has been awarded the MSCA fellowship

We are glad to report that our employee - dr Laura Zoboli - has been awarded the Marie Skłodowska-Curie (MSCA) fellowship from the European Commission - a very prestigious program with a success rate of around 10%.

Open day of the Master in Food Systems program

We invite you to the online open day of the Master in Food Systems on June 23st, 2022, at 02:00 p.m. During this event and Q&A sessions, you can get to know the Master of Food Systems program and people associated with it, learn about the specificity of the major, as well as learn about the rules of recruitment.

The first university business school in Poland wins "three crowns"!

We are very happy and proud to announce that we have obtained the AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) accreditation, and thus we have obtained the so-called "three crowns".

Join us at FoM's open day!

We invite you to the online open day of the FoM on March 31, 2022, at 5:00 p.m. During this event and Q&A sessions, you can get to know the Faculty and people associated with it, learn about the specificity of the majors, as well as learn about the rules of recruitment.

Apply for program supporting innovative agri-food startups

Free-of-charge program supporting innovative agri-food startups, EIT Food Seedbed: The pre-accelerator program to drive the entrepreneurs of tomorrow. The beneficiaries will gain expert support (training and mentoring) and financial support (up to €6,000

Decision of the University Council for the Certification of Language Proficiency

The University Council for the Certification of Language Proficiency decided to conduct the winter session of the academic year 2021/22 in a remote mode.

Public Financial Management in the EU. A new book by prof. Marta Postuła

We are pleased to announce that prof. dr hab. Marta Postuła has published a book entitled "Public Financial Management in the European Union: Public Finance and Global Crises". The work offers an in-depth and unique analysis of the functioning of the European Union institutions against the background of national entities of the EU Member States. Congratulations!

Meet the 2021 the EIT Food Seedbed Incubator Cohort from Warsaw Hub

We are delighted to introduce you to the EIT Food Seedbed Incubator Cohort from Warsaw Hub

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