EU Horizon’s funding for the University of Warsaw InterHEI

Under the EIT HEI initiative, as a key objective of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), the “InterHEI” project coordinated by the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw (holder of three prestigious accreditations: EQUIS, AACSB, and AMBA – “Triple Crown”), lead by Mansour Esmaeil Zaei (project manager: Piotr Nawrocki), has been granted funding of 1.2 million euros to increase innovation and entrepreneurial capacity in higher education by building capacity across higher education institutions (HEIs) and young businesses in the area of food and health. 


The overarching objective of the “InterHEI” project is to unlock the potential of HEI consortium members for innovation and entrepreneurship and to build capacity, enabling them to capitalise on their research infrastructure capacities and opportunities, leverage HEI accumulated scientific knowledge for co-creation with stakeholders, prepare students for entrepreneurial thinking and actions, and establish effective dialogue with industry and government. This area has been assessed as a key strength of the consortium. It is essential for businesses and government institutions as it will strengthen the innovation ecosystems in respective sectors, increase the number of research-based spin-offs and start-ups relevant to the contemporary food and health systems, diversifies HEI revenue streams, create jobs, increase the success rates of new product launches, and contribute to Smart Specialization Strategies and mission-oriented Research & Innovation Policies implementation.


To achieve its goals, the “InterHEI” project relies on an integrated set of initiatives, namely:

  1. Research Infrastructure Commercialisation Academy.
  2. New Product Development Labs.
  3. Youth Entrepreneurship Program.
  4. Insight Academy.


Through building capacity, designed and tailored to developing innovation and enterprise, these initiatives support the development of academic and non-academic staff and students within HEIs across the consortium, EIT HEI initiative, and the selected EIT Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs) and society.


The “InterHEI” consortium comprises 8 full partners and 4 associated partners from Poland, Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Serbia, and Slovakia.


“InterHEI” consortium full partners: University of Warsaw (consortium leader, Poland), Lodz University of Technology (Poland), Loyola University (Spain), Marmara University (Turkey), Institute of Food Technology (Serbia), Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK), Perrotis College (Greece) and Future Food Institute (Italy).

“InterHEI” consortium associated partners: Medical University of Lodz (Poland), the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (Slovakia), the University of Agriculture in Krakow (Poland) and Bionanopark (Poland).

Welcome Point in October

Dear Students,

We hope that you enjoy first days in Warsaw and that you started the new academic year with enthusiasm. It surely will be a great time for you all. Welcome Point prepared very interesting events for you in October.

1st PhD Workshop on Qualitative Research Methods in Management [16-17.10.2019]

The Centre for Entrepreneurship of the Faculty of Management has a great pleasure to invite PhD students in management area to participate in 1st PhD Workshop on Qualitative Research Methods in Management.

Cultural Hot Spot UW

Meet people from all over the world, learn about their countries and culture, taste foreign cuisine, and take part in multiple workshops, meetings, and debates. All in one place and one time. Visit Miasteczko na styku kultur – Cultural Hot Spot UW on Main Campus UW on May 17 and discover multicultural side of University of Warsaw!

Invitation to the lecture (19.10.2018)

The Civil Aviation Laboratory, Centre for Antitrust and Regulatory Studies (CARS) has the honour of inviting you to the lecture The New Berlin Airport (BBI): Too late, too expensive and too small! A case study on the politics of airport construction by Juergen Mueller, which will take place on 19th of October at 5.00 pm in the room C105 of Faculty of Management.

Welcome Point in October

We hope you enjoy first days of the new semester at the UW. It surely will be a great time for you all. Welcome Point would like to invite all short- and long- term students for events prepared for you in October.

International conference "Entrepreneurship for XXI century. Images and perspectives"

The Centre for Entrepreneurship of the Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw has a great pleasure to invite you to participate in an international conference: "Entrepreneurship for the XXI century. Images and perspectives"

Visiting Scholar Program at the Faculty of Management

The Faculty of Management at the University of Warsaw is seeking scholars who are interested in visiting and collaborating with the faculty and students enrolled for the doctoral program.

Welcome Point

We gladly inform you that Welcome Point UW together with Promotion Office created a group on Facebook dedicated to international candidates and students (both long and short term).

Apply for Innovation Grants

Our partner European Institute of Technology - EIT Food is looking for innovative solutions to challenges in the agriculture and food industry. Apply for Innovation Grants to support the development of your disruptive idea.

EQUIS Accreditation for Faculty of Management

The European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) has granted the EQUIS accreditation - one of the most recognized accreditations for business schools – to  the Faculty of Management. Our Faculty is in a prestigious group of 174 universities in the world that have this accreditation.

Access to the Highered platform - EFMD Global Career Services

We would like to kindly inform you that all students of the Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw have the opportunity to take advantage of free access to the Highered portal - EFMD Global Career Services. The platform can be used only by students from faculties with EQUIS accreditation.

Sustainable Development SD Polish Roadshow #4

In association with the  European Week for Sustainable Development (ESDW), we invite you to a conference SD Polish Roadshow #4, which will be held at 5th of June at the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw.

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