International Conference on Banking and Finance

Important dates

Please send your submission to  Authors of accepted papers will be notified by May 15, 2017.


The submission procedure opens on Monday, January 30, 2017 and closes on Monday May 1, 2017 (midnight, GMT+1).

Information about acceptation of the proposition will be sent to the prospect participants in 14 days from the final date of abstract submission.


Full Payment date: from May 15th until June 15th 2017.

Conference fees


Conference fee is 100 EUR (440 PLN)

The registration fees will cover administration and organizational costs as well as coffee and lunch breaks

Gala Dinner costs additional 50 EUR (220 PLN)

Please notice that the conference fee does not include accommodation costs.


Your conference fee should be transferred to the following account: 11 1160 2202 0000 0000 6084 8803

Institution/account owner: Wydział Zarządzania UW,  Ul. Szturmowa 3,  02-678 Warszawa

Bank name: Bank Millennium


IBAN: PL11 1160 2202 0000 0000 6084 8803


In the transfer title please write: “ICBF - YOUR NAME”.

Shall you have any questions, we will be glad to answer them.

Conference venue - map and transportation


Conference venue

The conference will take place at the Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw. (1/3, Szturmowa street, Warsaw, postal code: 02-678) on July 10–11, 2017. 



Warsaw can be easily accessed, there are direct flights from almost every major European city, US and Canada, operated by Lot Polish Airlines, as well as many European carriers (for details please visit Warsaw Airport homepage). There is also a possibility to travel by train from various European cities.


In Warsaw, there are multiple ways to access the conference venue:

TAXI – from centrally located hotels it costs about 8 – 15 Euro.

Metro – Currently there are only two lines in Warsaw; To get to the Faculty, you need to use the first line. From the stations like Świętokrzyska, Centrum, Politechnika (or any other between MŁOCINY and WILANOWSKA) take a train in the KABATY direction to the station SŁUŻEW. Then walk for about 10-15 minutes or take a bus (number 189, 193 or 410) to the stop BELDAN.

Bus – there are direct buses from the Old Town and Central Train Station (174, to the stop ORZYCKA) and from Ursynow district (Bus 193, to the stop ORZYCKA)

The public transportation details can be reached on the website: (available also in English). The cost of a single ticket is 4,4 PLN, around 1 Euro.



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ul. Szturmowa 1/3, 02-678 Warszawa
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