dr hab.

Igor Postuła, prof. UW

Katedra Prawnych Problemów Administracji i Zarządzania - Kierownik
B429 sem. letni 2022/23 - czwartki w godz. 11.15-12.15 w sali B 210

Igor Postuła, Ph.D



2014                Habilitation (doctor habilitata) in Management,

Habilitation Thesis title: Corporate Governance in State Owned Companies

Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw, Poland

2005                PhD in Management,

Doctoral Thesis title: State Aid as Instrument of Economic Policy

Faculty of Management University of Warsaw, Poland

2003                MSc (Master in Law), studies graduated with distinction,           

Master Thesis title: The Aims of State Aid Regulation

Faculty of Law, University of Warsaw, Poland

2001                MSc (Master in Economics), Major: International Political and Economic Relations,

Master Thesis title: State Aid – Regulation and Practice

Warsaw School of Economics, Poland

2000                Scholarship of the Socrates/Erasmus Found

Bachelor Thesis title: The Development of Age Discrimination Law

Jönköping International Business School, Sweden

1999                Scholarship of the Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst

Wilhelms Universität Münster, Germany

Professional title__________________________________________________________
2007                Attorney-at-law, Warsaw Bar Association
Work experience___________________________________________________________

In research and teaching:

2014 –             chief of the Department of Civil Law Issues in Management, Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw


Lecturer and professor:

2014 –             associate professor at the Department of Civil Law Issues in Management, Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw.

Lectures provided: Commercial law, Corporate Governance, Public procurement law, Legal aspects of SME, Business law, Administrative law.

2015                visiting professor at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain.

2015                visiting professor at Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Seville, Spain.

2014 –             lecturer in the field of legal aspects of entrepreneurship in the Center for New Technologies at the University of Warsaw.

2014                visiting professor at Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal.

2001 – 2014    lecturer, since 2005 assistant professor at the Department of Administrative Law Issues in Management, Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw.

2010 – 2011    lecturer in the field of state aid for entrepreneurs at Warsaw School of Economics, postgraduate studies for judges and prosecutors.

2007 –             lecturer in trainings for entrepreneurs, central and local government officials, members of companies supervisory boards, judges, prosecutors and receivers in the field of business law, public procurement law, state aid law.

2006                lecturer in the field of pharmaceutical law at Faculty of Pharmacy of Warsaw Medical University.


In research, implementation and teaching projects:

2016                expert of the National Center for Research and Development in the project “Development and modernization of didactic infrastructure in the fields of natural science and the Jagiellonian University” in the framework of XIII priority axis of the Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment under Measure 13.1 Infrastructure of Higher Education.

2015 –             expert registered in the database of experts from the European Commission programs Horizon 2020 and COSME.

2012 – 2013    participant in the training project “Akademia Unijna III” - author and the lecturer of the training program “Public procurement law in local governments activities”, project finance by the European Social Found implemented for the Mazovia Development Agency Plc.

2009-2012      the chief of the research project “Corporate governance in state owned companies” granted by the Minister of Science and Higher Education.

2006-2007      participant in the research and training project “Improvement of administration’s capacity” – author of the training program in public procurement and state aid law for administration, project financed by the EU Sectorial Operational Program “Improvement of Human Resources”.

2006-2007      participant in the research and training project “Modern human resources in public administration” – author of the training program “Practical aspects of public procurement law”, project finance by the EU Integrated Regional Operational Program.


Membership and cooperation with research institutions:

2015 –             member of European Academy of Management.

2014 –             associate of the Centre for Antitrust and Regulatory Studies, Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw.

2014 –             associate of the Centre for Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw.


Reviewer in Journals: International Journal of Public Sector Management, Emerging Markets Case Studies (EMCS), Management Problems, Studies and Materials.


Legal and business expert: 

2014                member of Polish Directors Institute Corps for professional supervisory board members.  

2011                expert in commercial law in the project „Research and analysis of privatization proceedings in Poland n 2008-2011” realized by the KPMG and University of Warsaw for Polish Ministry of Treasury.

2010                expert (executor) of the project “Regulation on remuneration and appointment of Polish stated owned companies boards members” for Polish Ministry of Treasury.

2009                expert (executor) of the project „Corporate governance of Polish state owned companies regulation model” for Polish Ministry of Treasury.

2007-2008      independent expert in business law for Polish Parliament Commission „Friendly State”, specialization: legal problems of SME

2007 – 2008    member of the experts team of the Warsaw Bar Association


Membership in joint stock companies boards:

2006 –2013     member of the supervisory board of the Huta “Kościuszko” joint stock company in Chorzów, Poland.

2008 –2103     chief of the of the supervisory board of the Huta “Kościuszko” joint stock company in Chorzów, Poland.

2007                President of the management board (CEO) of the Huta “Kościuszko” joint stock company in Chorzów, Poland.



2014                individual reward of rector of the University of Warsaw for the book “Corporate governance in State Owned Companies”.

2008                award for merits of the Warsaw Bar Association

2008                individual reward of rector of the University of Warsaw for the book “State aid regulation”.

2006                individual reward of rector of the University of Warsaw for the book ”State aid”.

2003                team reward of rector of the Warsaw School of Economics for the book “European Law for Entrepreneurs”.


Foreign languages____________________________________________________________

English – fluent                     

German – avarage
Russian – basic

EFMD Global
Uniwersytet Warszawski
HR Excellence in Research
Eduniversal ranking
Ministerstwo Nauki
Polska Komisja Akredytacyjna

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