
Julita Majczyk

B515 Sem. letni 2022/23 - czwartki od 13:15 do 14:45 (online)
22/ 55 34 128

2016 Doctor of economic sciences in the field of management sciences (University of Warsaw, Faculty of Management)

dissertation: A Leader’s Image in the Polish Business Press

2011 Master of Arts in International Economics (Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Management and Social Communication)

dissertation: Systemic risk in the post-crisis period

2010 Honours Bachelor of Arts in Business Economics and Enterprise (University of the West of Scotland, Business School)

dissertation: Which Emerging Risks Have Been Neglected? The Causes of the Royal Bank of Scotland Failure


International mobilities:

4-8.03.2019 – University of Valencia, Hiszpania – Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Teaching Assignment

lecture: Entrepreneurial leadership

January 2019 & 2020  The Irish SME Association, Dublin, Ireland
Research visit (Global Entrepreneurial Talent Management 3, H2020-MSCA-RISE-2016)

July & November 2018 – Kyungpook National University, Daegu, South Korea

Research visits (Global Entrepreneurial Talent Management 3, H2020-MSCA-RISE-2016)

6-10.05.2018 – University of Pisa, Italy – Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Teaching Assignment

lectures: Concept of Leadership: The difference between good leaders and great ones; Effective leadership in information systems

16.04-20.04.2018 – Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, The Lisbon Accounting and Business School (ISCAL)

lecture: Organizational Behavior

7.09-8.12.2017 – Shanghai University, P.R.China – visiting professor

lectures: Management and Organizations, Leadership Thought

8-12.05.2017 – University of Pisa, Italy – Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Teaching Assignment

lectures: Concept of Leadership, Models of Leadership



2016 Paper Development Workshop “Challenges in Managing and Organizing Processes of Change” (co-sponsored by European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), Organization & Management Theory (OMT) Division of the Academy of Management, and Organization Studies).

2014 International Summer School Warsaw School of Data Analysis (WSAD). A joint project of COME UW, ICM UW and ISS UW.

2013 Workshop on Diversity and Difference in the Contemporary Workplace. Copenhagen Business School, Dania.

2012 International Summer School Institutional changes in the Euro zone after the global financial crisis (co-sponsored by Cracow Univeristy of Economics and National Bank of Poland).



Current Organization and Management Theories


Entrepreneurship, Leadership & CSR

Leading Effectively


Leadership & Motivation

Management and Leadership

Market expansion of small business


Negotiations Consulting

Negotiating Techniques

Processes and management structures in a corporation

Process Management

EFMD Global
Uniwersytet Warszawski
HR Excellence in Research
Eduniversal ranking
Ministerstwo Nauki
Polska Komisja Akredytacyjna

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