Journal of Marketing and Consumer Behaviour in Emerging Markets

JMCBEM 1(10)/2020

Conversion Attribution: What Is Missed by the Advertising Industry? The OPEC Model and its Consequences for Media Mix Modeling

Arkadiusz Zaremba



Marketers are currently focused on proper budget allocation to maximize ROI from online advertising. They use conversion attribution models assessing the impact of specific media channels (display, search engine ads, social media, etc.). Marketers use the data gathered from paid, owned, and earned media and do not take into consideration customer activities in category media, which are covered by the OPEC (owned, paid, earned, category) media model that the
author of this paper proposes. The aim of this article is to provide a comprehensive review of the scientifi c literature related to the topic of conversion attribution for the period of 2010–2019 and to present the theoretical implications of not including the data from category media in marketers’ analyses of conversion attribution. The results of the review and the analysis provide information about the development of the subject, the popularity of particular conversion attribution models, the ideas of how to overcome obstacles that result from data being absent from analyses. Also,
a direction for further research on online customer behavior is presented.


Procedure for assessing the investment attractiveness of foreign markets. Comparative analysis of former USSR countries

Andranik Muradyan



One of the natural stages of development of the enterprise is the desire to expand its business abroad. Globalization, global trade integration, technology development, the emergence of political, economic, customs unions, the existence of international courts of arbitration, the emergence of elements of world culture and other factors reduce the barriers between potential investors and countries to internationalization. This phenomenon has a positive impact on the decisions of companies in diff erent parts of the world about the expansion abroad. The main goal of a foreign investor who plans to internationalize is making the most optimal choice of a foreign market where prevailing realities on business environment will enable the achievement of competitive advantage. Because of this, before internationalization, foreign investors should evaluate the investment attractiveness of all potential directions of internationalization in order to be able to realistically assess their own capabilities in these markets and assess all the risks and opportunities that may arise during the operation. The quality of the analysis which assess the level of investment attractiveness of potential directions has a large impact on the success of the company abroad. The article presents the procedure of comparative analysis taking as an example former USSR countries at the macro level.


Content marketing headlines and their impact on the urge to read

Kishokanth Jeganathan, Andrzej Szymkowiak



Social media is an important source of product information for many users. Marketing in social media is based not only on building a community around the brand, but social media is used as a way to reach a defi ned group of users with a marketing message. These users are shown content, including promoted posts, which is to draw their attention, interest and get them to action, i.e. click on the link and read the article promoting an event or product. In this article, we investigated how the diff erent headline wordings (question, traditional, forward referring) aff ect the desire to
read the article. An experiment was conducted on 75 participants, which confi rmed that the header has a large eff ect size. The ANOVA analysis was carried out in two stages, additionally taking into account the importance and general interest in the subject of the article by users. Finally, the possible business implications, limitations, and directions for future research were identified.


Gamifying questions by adding context in the creative development marketing research

Michał Ścibor-Rylski



Gamifi cation is defi ned as using game design elements in non-gaming contexts: education, management, marketing and also market research. Gamifi ed research tools help to increase respondents’ engagement and obtain more in-depth results. Up till now the eff ects of gamifi cations were tested in the domains of brand strategy and consumer experience. The article shows the results of the experiment proving the eff ectiveness of a gamifi ed approach to the qualitative
advertisement testing. The experimental group with a narrative context added to a question regarding the fi rst impression performed better than the control group with a standard task. Also gender diff erences were observed: the eff ect was valid only for men – there were no signifi cant diff erences in the performance of women in both groups. Due to an uneven split of men and women and a small sample in general, this eff ect needs further examination.


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